Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Bullying Later in Life

Bullying exists far past the realms of school. In school, bullies learn their bad habits and often hold on to these bad habits for the rest of their life. This video does a good job of depicting how such bullying is projected later in life. As we grow older, it seems that the playground is replaced by the office cubical and the bully is now "Fred" three cubicles down,or unfortunately even your boss. Whichever the case, bullying in the workplace is a very real factor that hundreds of thousands of adults deal with on a daily basis. Bullying can be prevented in the workplace and is often treated with several different organizations inside a company;however, treating the problem where it starts can be a concrete fix, not just a temporary one. If we attack the problem in the schools, then we ultimately aid everyone later in life.

Bullying is a large problem that creates gargantuan rifts in every aspect of our lives, despite our age. From elementary school to the work place, bulling NEEDS to be stopped.

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