Monday, July 25, 2011

The many aspects

Trying to grasp the entire issue of bullying can be so complicated. Because it's not always about the common LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) bullying that most people worry about.

We often see bullies using the simplest of aspects in peoples lives as a tool against them. From the awkward puberty stage in a young boys life to a few freckles dotted on an innocent girls face.

While we can never provide any specific response that kids or parents should take to end bullying, I believe that the issue is so complicated that doing so would limit the ideas that people could come up with to solve the problem. The message that people should take away from our project is that no matter who you are, we are all effected by bullying and we all need to take steps to end it.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Media can be a Vessel...

...for bullying to make its way to us.

From television, to music, to posters, bullying is being expressed strongly through the media. Many songs praise the popular good looking student while casting everyone else into the shadows. We must be very careful of the things we endorse and what it means when we support such things. Sometimes it seems like a song is just fun to listen to or a shirt may be funny, but when the wrong person sees us waving these flags around the wrong message is delivered. The things we say, the things we do, and the things we put our interest in reflect who we are to the people around us. For this reason we have to be over diligent in ensuring we express exactly who we want people to see us as. To truly fight bullying we must attack it at all angels, even when it may seem like harmless fun.