Saturday, August 13, 2011

Interview with Isaac Rizo

Its finally done. Here is the interview with Isaac Rizo, a bullying victim Isaac was kind enough to let us interview him and give us his testimony against bullying. Due to physical conditions, Isaac was caught on the worse end of bullying and explains it in this video. He has very powerful thoughts on bullying and can teach all of us a lesson about self image.

Isaac from NCYFC on Vimeo.

Thank you Isaac for this great video and thank you to Eric White for his amazing video editing skills.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Power in Numbers

We have talked a lot about what a single person can to by themselves to fight bullying, but the truth is there needs to be more. While a person doing something on their own is amazing, 15 people doing something together is even better. Countering bullying takes perseverance and 100% effort. The power in numbers makes these two concepts easier on us. When we can count on each other to keep ourselves straight, then breaks in our actions are few and far in between.

These types of group activities can be creative and unique, as in the flash mob video I posted a a few months ago. Have fun and take pride in what you do to stop bullying. Suggest an awareness week to your  Student Council or talk to your boss about giving a presentation to your fellow employees. Everything counts in the battle against bullying. If we can achieve power in numbers, we can also take one step closer to a bully free world.